Can You Take Fpu Again for Free

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Thank you to Ramsey Solutions for sponsoring this post.  All thoughts, opinions and experiences are 100% mine!

That life changing afternoon is still etched in my memory.  I sat there anxiously waiting to have THE conversation with my husband that would literally change our financial future.

Earlier that day, I had been on the phone with my credit card company fighting to get a fraudulent charge removed and by the time I hung up the phone I decided I would never ever waste another minute of my life with a credit card.  But, I needed some direction and guidance on how this was going to happen so I Googled "Cash Only Guy" because honestly… I didn't know Dave Ramsey's name (#truth).

He came up number one in the search.  After reading and researching I decided his advice seemed simple enough to follow so I moved forward with his materials.

That evening when my husband came home from work I had Dave's plan in place to end our dependence on credit cards forever.  It didn't take much to convince my "saver" husband to get on board.  So we hid our credit cards and attacked our $93,000 in debt with everything we had.  It was annihilated in under 2 years!

Whether you've got debt weighing you down, you feel financially out of sync with your spouse or just need to get a grip on your finances I'm a firm believer that if you apply what Dave Ramsey teaches, you too can change your financial life now and in the future.

Back Then…

"Back then" the only way I knew to take Financial Peace University for the full immersion was to attend an in-person training on a weekly basis at a church or community center that offered it.

Our church offered it but we lived 30 minutes away and the course was at night which meant we'd need to travel in Atlanta rush hour traffic to get there (which means that 30 minutes would be 2 hours).  The stress of both of us getting there consistently was problematic.  Maybe you considered taking it in the past (or even did take in the past) in-person but found it too difficult to get to, too social or too hard to find childcare.

To solve many of these problems, Dave decided to make Financial Peace University available online.

After reading that statement, you might think this is just another "commercial" for FPU.  Friend, I am telling you about this because applying Dave's concepts to my life has done more for my finances, marriage and family then I could ever fully express in words.

We are living totally debt free.  My husband quit his job and was able to stay at home with our kids and pursue his own entrepreneurial efforts.  We stopped fighting about money the day we started applying what Dave taught.  That's just a small picture of what all has come about because we took what we learned and actually applied it.

Taking FPU at Your Leisure

The fact that you can now take the full emersion course at home in your pajamas or when your kids are asleep or when it's most convenient for you is pretty darn exciting. So if you are ready to change your life, I want to encourage you to consider taking Financial Peace University online yourself.  If you are willing to invest $99, one time (using this discount code- FPUSummerSpecial) and simply sit in your living room, bed or wherever you are comfortable and go through the course step-by-step on your own terms (no babysitter needed) then I know you can find financial peace just like we did.

Dave has seen every kind of financial situation there is and he can give you the hope and help you need to turn your finances around.  I don't know about you, but $99 isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. I'd spend $99 to take my family of 5 to the movies or eat out twice at a restaurant with my husband.  It's totally worth every penny.

What's inside FPU Online?

I was excited to get a behind the scenes chance to explore and dive into the new online course myself and I have to say it's got a ton of features you just can't get reading one of Dave's books, like we did.  Honestly, I was surprised by the video extra's in this course that introduced brand new concepts to me.  In other words I learned a bunch of new stuff!

  • Inside the course I found 9 lesson videos that walk you through Dave's system.
    • Each lesson includes a video and then a simple checklist of next steps or what you need to do to apply what you learned from that video.
    • Some video's include printable budgets, worksheets and forms.  I like that I was able to enter my details on the digital sheet on my computer or print it out and do it by hand.
    • Each lesson also includes a 2 minute recap to help refresh your memory of what you learned.
    • Each lesson is formatted so that you would need to actually complete the lesson to move on to the next lesson- ensuring you take the course step-by-step for the most success.
  • There is a place to "Ask an Expert" any financial questions you may have.
    • Here you can fill out a form with any financial questions you have and they will get back to you within 2 business days.
  • Plus, you'll find a library of tutorial to show you how to budget, how to set up budgets for irregular income, balancing your account, paying off different debts and many other things.
    • Many of these videos show you how to complete your printables and forms from the course.

Is FPU Online right for you?

So after reading all this you may be wondering if FPU online is for you.  I want to help you make an informed decision by asking some simple questions.  Here are the things to consider before investing in the course:

  1. When you buy the course you get access to it for one year.
    • Are you willing to commit to finish this course in one year?
  2. Do you have access to internet?
    • If you don't have access to the internet, are you willing to commit to go to your local library or coffee shop to take the course?
  3. If don't have time to watch the videos, do you have time to listen?
    • One of the awesome bonuses to this course is that you can download MP3 versions of the video's so you can listen on the go or listen instead of watch if you are more of an auditory learner.
  4. Are you willing to take the course step-by-step?
    • One of the major errors I see many people make when it comes to online courses of ANY kind is that they don't trust the process and then don't take the whole thing step-by-step.  Just because you think you know something or have done it before doesn't mean that you shouldn't walk back through it one more time.  Let it refresh you're brain and determination. Things change over time and being open to taking this journey step-by-step is going to be the way you help yourself see it to the finish and have a whole, up to date picture of where you are financially!
  5. Will you have to go into debt to buy the $99 course?
    • If you can't pay cash for this course without charging it, find a way to get $99 together by selling some stuff online, doing a few odds and ends jobs for friends or family or working a little overtime at your job.  I can't in good conscious recommend that you put $99 on your credit card if you can't pay for this course right now.  If you really want to take it but don't have the cash- find a way to get that cash and then start the course!
  6. Are you in debt, out of debt or just need a plan to organize your finances?
    • This course has content and direction for any adult who is in debt, out of debt or just needs a plan to organize their finances in a step-by-step video focused way.

Get $29 off

If after reading this you feel like this might just be a good fit for you, I challenge you to make it one of your goals to start your journey to financial peace this summer. Don't wait.  The sooner you start, the sooner you can be living the life you want most!  This code (FPUSummerSpecial) is only available for limited time to get Financial Peace University Online for only $99 ($129 regular price).


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